Open your mind & EXPLORE - to discover new and more powerful ways to do energy work - to take charge.
No matter what resource you use, whether it's paid or whether it's free ... make sure you open up your mind to the fact that there's always 'more' - in terms of spiritual paragdime ... what else 'is out there' ... new & little known Light Beings from levels of Light (or realms) few know about ... etc. As that old Einstein saying goes; " ... you can't solve a problem with the same level of consciousness it took to create it".
Having an open & curious mindset, helps you discover more & often 'better' - which accelerates your evolution, to return to bliss & love.
Such unheard of Levels of Light want to work directly with you now. It's time. They have new & different ways of transmuting that are extremely powerful, that you'll greatly benefit from to transform your life & actualize your potential.
You can take your spirit guides ... Light teams ... & Archangels with you
There's no rule that says you can't take your current spirit guides, Higher Self & the commonly known Archangels with you .... when working with the powerful Light Teams you may not be familiar with. These Teams want to work with as many physical & non-physical beings in this Universe as possible - like one big happy family.
What other people are saying.
" ... Greetings brother Jim. I thank you again for the De-hypnosis. I have done it twice & I can really feel the impact on me. I've also been doing the 4 Phases and, ICB Clearing more and more. Thank you for making me feel the way I am today. My energy level is up to par. Just wanted to thank you again brother for your help.
" ... I've really been able to 'step-up' in life, both in terms of over-all personal [higher] timeline & my career with my earth grids website. Above all ... I've been able to STAY there & only move up. NO more 'back-sliding' or aspects of my life 'exploding' and sending me back down in frequency. I've got the 4 Phases ... ICB ... De-Hypnosis ... to thank for that".
About the Creator: Jim Tourtsakis
Jim is the creator/author of The 4 Phase Exponential Healing & Clearing System & Internal Compression Breakthrough (ICB), De-Hypnosis & the '4 Keys based' DNA Activation Codes.
He's helped make the spiritual world aware of the crucial need to clear internally in a non-linear way - from Omnipresence ... and with Beyond Multiversal Beings for the necessary & robust enough energetic backing, to vastly accelerate healing for bigger & faster results.
He is also founder of the 144k Activation Campaign & also has a weekly online radio show - Ground Crew Command Radio - where he informs ... motivates ... trains ... guides ... inspires ... and constantly reminds the 144k and other kindred spirits of why they're here, how to carry out their missions for the planet & for their own empowerment, and honor who they really are.
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