
All these tools are not only free for 144K Members ... but also vital!

You are to be properly armed & trained, without spending a cent.



DNA & Crown Suppression Removal 

Guided Session Here

Exclusively for 144k Members only, who are clearly taking their soul purpose seriously & are therefore being given some of the best tools & support available.

Feedback/results of 4 Phases from real users.

After-all ... (to use a military analogy) an army is only as good as it's training & fitness of each individual warrior / operator. 


The testimonials below are typical result of those who follow the PDF Instructions Manual, and know that thought change quantum matter.



Hi Jim


First up mate, Wow what an experience, ive done Phase 1 and Phase 2 after 10 plus years on a healing journey and mate the results are very profound,


Phase 1 I felt a little presence of the Teams and a strong shift moving into truth about 1-2 weeks after and amazing clarity so i was looking forward to Phase 2 and this time I felt the presence of the Teams stronger,felt a little airy but at the same time safe, like they were there then they would fade out.


So after activating this clearing its taken my consciousness to a new level and everything seems easier to deal with,I havent been sleeping so good maybe because of such a big shift.Anyway.


Im looking forward to the next Phases and just living in truth, I'm getting an insight now into living truth and wanting to continue in nothing but truth.

And Jim I am so stoked your 4 Phase clearing system came my way.


Thank you. I look forward to working with you as a light warrior.


Hamish, AU



I did listen to Phase 1, really pleased with the shifting. I feel more whole and complete- words can hardly describe what the session was like.


Your voice assured me of the safety and that in of its self created a container where I could let go and expand. 





So much has shifted from Phase 1 - I went through a toxic release for a couple of weeks - Phase 2 last night was very profound in so many ways - what a gift this is —


Hope your doing well and I look forward to reading your next email 🌻🌻🌻




Sollena, WI 



... my wife & I have been doing the Phases nearly every Sunday. We are in the middle of the 4th time through [each phase] and I'm really starting to feel the effects.


Most people I'm around don't meditate, don't believe in ET's secret gov't. stuff or anything else we all know to be true. I've always hid my beliefs and didn't expose the fact that I meditated every morning.


But now, I'm very comfortable letting my true self be seen.  If people have a problem with my alleged weirdness, that's just their problem.


My need for approval from the masses is greatly reduced. Thanks so much for your hard work and commitment to raise us people & the planet to a new level of existence. 


Larry M, CA



I read XXX XXXXXX XX XXXXX.  And although this book explained these types of concepts, I experienced no overall relief from doing the spiritual practices in the book, or any that XXXXX recommended, or XXXXXXX, or any of the multitude of spiritual and psychological practices I did over the past 38 or so years, when I was diligently trying to heal myself.


Many practices would work initially, then bam, whoever or whatever would double down in attacks and the tool would stop working, and things would be worse than before until I stopped the practice.


Then, after a lifetime on not fitting in and intense suffering I find you and the 4 Phase Healing System, and slowly, week by week changes start to happen and build on each other, the dark does not appear to be able to take away all my progress.


I know that attacks are still coming my way, and the beat down feels bad at times (not all the time), but it never feels as 

bad as it did before last September, (when the suffering rarely let up) when I started the IV Phase Program.


So thank you....


But the most important thing to me, is I have a practice (the 4 Phase System) that actually helps me to heal and negotiate this world better than I ever have.  


It's good to understand why I have

Dark thoughts and energy coming through me, but for me, it's exponentially better to have an affordable tool that I can use week after week to heal!


Thank you so much, I'm glad you let us know what's going on, and thank you with all my Light for helping us with the 4 Phase Healing Program,



Sonja, CA


Well of course you can use everything you want from what I send you..., it is just a little messy hehe.


A few very crazy days because (hmmm???) right after doing Phase IV and jerked back to full awareness after the "abundance gene" activation in Phase IV - I had to come back from the middle of nowhere to make a huge urgent translation -that pays in a week for a change (!!)  Ah, and after ignoring me for 5 months, my friend the doctor is sending a tough case to my therapy this week, saying that if I can make this kid feel better (sure thing), he will have me to the brim with new clients (!!)

Just let's not forget that the phase 3 and 4 had already landed me tenants in 2 stubbornly empty apartments (one vacant for 4 MONTHS).  The electric gate was kind enough to break down on the 28th, but it was an old issue. I changed it -and now this express translation job came up that will make up for the cost. WOW!

Melanie, MA


Thanks for writing back. 


After doing Phase 1 the first time I felt a calm happiness through my whole body. I haven’t felt like this in quite awhile. It feels like every cell in my body is grinning and vibrating faster. I’ll wait a few days and then move on to the other Phases.

Thank you so much for making this available to the world and at such a reasonable cost. This is the most powerful thing I’ve done in my many years as a seeker. God Bless you.

after doing Phase 2, I didn't feel as much contrast, which is to be expected. I did & still do feel a bit more inner calm and happiness, or maybe I should call it contentment..


I'm a musician. I always have music or some rhythm pattern going in my head. I don't think it ever stops unless I'm meditating or waiting to fall asleep. Because I played drums for years & still play percussion, my foot or some other body part is usually moving to the rhythm in my head. I did Phase 2 a couple of days ago. I noticed that night while watching TV that the music had stopped & my foot was actually still. That's a huge thing. It was a welcome change.

Oscar, ID



I was with the teams last night after my robotic brother sent me images of my 'parents' house, now totally scraped to the ground since the Harvey flood damage.


Both those parental entities are gone and they were well chosen to keep me small, with ZERO self esteem, and a constant occurrence of near death experiences under their 'care'. I refused to even consider having children because that lineage was lethal, and I have the X-rays to show it.


When I showed the teams the images of that empty lot where a lot of abuse occurred ... I lost a chunk of time, but afterward and still now, I am actually neutral about that whole chapter.
The Teams are plowing thru a boatload of crud that I must have buried.  My brother is robotic because they made sure he received two rounds of electro shock 'therapy' because he was an embarrassment to them.


I did not go to their funerals because their cabal friends hated me and believed all the lies about what a rotten daughter I was. 


Without the Teams that stuff would still be inside coloring my world. I thank God for them and for you, or I would not be making any progress...




jA, WA



Jim: I take it all back re my comment that you may be operating a scam. As of today I am beginning to reap the rewards of completing the first round of the 4 Phase


The last DNA  clearing session released a large amount of anger/fear/suspicion, etc. and these energies kinda got out of control for a brief span.


I deeply regret that some of this spill-over came your way: and I apologize.


NO ... you are certainly not operating a scam. But rather you are a proponent of an amazing system of transformation.
In some respects, as of today, I already feel like a different person. And I will pass on the good news of your healing / transformation system to others as appropriate.



M. Mcleod Jr, CO



I have currently gone through phases 1 and 2 respectively. I can truly say it’s quite an awakening/enlightening experience. Coming to the awareness of realities of things one never knew or even thought  existed before. It is a humbling experience to say the least because I had always thought I knew so much.


My night sleep has been extra calm, deep and very peaceful. Prior to now, I’ve had that susceptibility to having constant sexual desires. But this compulsive desire is naturally wearing off if not worn off already.  


I had some mild health challenges/escalations but somehow, everything eventually calmed down…. even something that looked like a boil in my groin has begun to dry up all on its own.


Although I am not completely out of diabetic drugs yet, but I can say there’s a good dose of stability much better than before. This is like what I can describe as ‘work in progress’.


It appears my life is being ‘re-scripted’ anew and I am excited and look forward to completing the remaining phases of the program. 



Mr Grateful, Denmark


Hi Jim,


I did phase 4 for the second time on Saturday. The visualizing went much better. On the other hand, I was struggling to memorize and repeat the text. Like my left brain had “slowed down” somehow during the session.


Afterwards I noticed an improvement in the sense that I felt lighter and better which I did not experience the first time. I was having stomach problems the days before because of the detoxing. They are almost gone now.


I have noticed that due to the Phases the energies are flowing much more easily. I can better connect with my I AM Presence now and the visualizing also works better.


This meditation feels special – very mystic and calm, yet focused and powerful. Whoever chose the music for it – well done! It really suits the energies of the Solstice.


I am looking forward to “the big one” on Thursday and how that is going to feel like. By the way, my husband Christian, who is doing the Phases too, will also participate on that day.


The first day after the Solstice Meditation, I felt really exhausted and was guided to stop meditating and to take care of myself. Yesterday the situation was even worse as I felt low, sick and depressed. So I decided to do phase 1 (instead of phase 4 that I had planned for that day) and felt better afterwards. I feel guided to pause for now with phase 4 and continue with phase 2 and 3 before I will do phase 4 again…

I would like to add that since I did phase 4 I have become even more sensitive to what I eat (and I am already a vegan and eat healthily).

Kerstin, Germany

Onwards To Freedom ... For All

... even more feedback/results from real users.

" ... an army is only as good as it's training & fitness of each individual warrior /  operator ..."


The testimonials below are typical result of those who follow the PDF Instructions Manual, and know that thought change quantum matter.


Hello Jim,


I am a starseed/lightworker/energy worker from Germany and here is my feedback after having completed phase 1 (on October 26nd) and 2 (on November 2nd) of the “Four Phases Healing Program”.


Before I started working with you and the Teams, my situation was really bad. I suffered from severe depression and exhaustion on all levels that was so extreme I almost felt paralyzed and wasn’t able to even complete easy tasks during the day.


This has been going on for years with increasing intensity. At first I referred this to the ascension process. Later I realized that these heavy symptoms must be attacks. Very often I had a very uncomfortable sensation in my brain, like some pressure put onto it or energy running through it, making me feel sick and depressed, cutting me off  from Source. For me it felt like psychic/energetic torture that was almost unbearable, and as I found no real means to deal with it, I lived in a state of fear of how to survive energetically.


Of course I tried many many things, went to healers, acquired some healing techniques myself, nothing seemed to work in the long run.   

Therefore, when I came across your website, I wasn’t very impressed at first. But I was so desperate and in a situation I had nothing to lose except some money, so I wanted to give it a try.


I am so very glad to be able to say today that, as a result of the two sessions, I feel much much better now! The depressions are gone (except from some mood swings during the last full moon), and my energy levels are also much higher! I feel “normal” and like being myself again, as well as comfortable and secure inside. There are no words to describe my relief!!!


Kirsten, Germany



... my wife & I have been doing the Phases nearly every Sunday. We are in the middle of the 4th time through [each phase] and I'm really starting to feel the effects.


Most people I'm around don't meditate, don't believe in ET's secret gov't. stuff or anything else we all know to be true. I've always hid my beliefs and didn't expose the fact that I meditated every morning.


But now, I'm very comfortable letting my true self be seen.  If people have a problem with my alleged weirdness, that's just their problem.


My need for approval from the masses is greatly reduced. Thanks so much for your hard work and commitment to raise us people & the planet to a new level of existence. 


Larry M, CA


... anyway, the Phase system is my mainstay.  I am continuing to use it twice a week, working through all the mind programming that has devastated my life.  I still have difficulty with trust of self and others.  When I have judgement and emotionally disturbing thoughts, I defer to the Teams, and continue with my day.

Overall, I can say that every aspect of my life is improving.  Even when I worry that working with The Teams will end in disaster and continued mind manipulation like Oregon did and the more recent experience with my ex, I remind myself that my I AM presence and my higher selves are involved and put trust in that, and continue my retrieval with the Phase program.

Agetha, WA


Hi  Jim,

I just wanted to send a brief note telling you  how thankful I am for the work you both do and for the Teams.

I finished phase 3 earlier today, and right now I feel a good amount of Light in my form and around my form.  The usual pattern from the first two phases, since it's the first time through, is I'll have difficulty sleeping tonight and then have an energetic detox tomorrow.  Maybe I won't this time, I'll find out in a bit.

But I am so excited , because I believe I have never experienced a healing modality that I experience as healing and helpful as this, and I have only done the first three phase one time.  If this continues to be this powerful and I gain the ability and the confidence to contact the teams on my own... after going through all the phases a number of times, then I will experience a level of wellness and protection beyond what I've ever dreamed of!

I am very excited for Phase 4 to arrive.  In the mean time I will continue to do the first three phases.

Caroline, NH


Hello Jim,


I wanted to get back with you about Phase I.  Indeed you were helpful in suggesting another go or two at the meditation.  I focused more and it made a difference.


(5 days later)... I just completed Phase II and felt a definitive, gentle shift.  I went to sleep that night and awakened feeling much more clear and able to experience more joy in my day.  Even in the face of experiencing changes (includes uncertainty) in the work I offer, I feel more clear and grounded.  I am excited for the changes to come.


I will definitely keep in touch and be listening to GCC radio broadcasts!

Sarah, UK


Dear Jim,


I did your phase II Healing meditation and it was really interesting. Going up was fun, I felt a little motion sickness, then it went away.


As you directed me to the activations when I was on the healing table, I really got nauseas.

I thought that was very telling. Like my body was showing me how bad the lower vibes made me feel. I feel like I was completely aware and yet at the same time in a very deep place and lots was going on.

All in all, I look forward to doing both one and two many times.

Jen, UK



Well of course you can use everything you want from what I send you..., it is just a little messy hehe.


A few very crazy days because (hmmm???) right after doing Phase IV and jerked back to full awareness after the "abundance gene" activation in Phase IV - I had to come back from the middle of nowhere to make a huge urgent translation -that pays in a week for a change (!!)  Ah, and after ignoring me for 5 months, my friend the doctor is sending a tough case to my therapy this week, saying that if I can make this kid feel better (sure thing), he will have me to the brim with new clients (!!)

Just let's not forget that the phase 3 and 4 had already landed me tenants in 2 stubbornly empty apartments (one vacant for 4 MONTHS).  The electric gate was kind enough to break down on the 28th, but it was an old issue. I changed it -and now this express translation job came up that will make up for the cost. WOW!

Melanie, MA


I began your Phase work.  I felt a subtle difference in the beginning, yet definitely a clearing and something deep was developing.

Days later, something deep & nasty was starting to come up. I guess it was finally able to, thanks to the first Phase session, and that my being was ready to release now.

The next time I did a Phase, I followed your advice & asked the Teams to look into this and clear it.  I definitely felt much clearing going on and energetic magic, so to speak.

Kelly C, WA


Furthermore, it seems that some family issues have been healed. Since my awakening, I have been suffering from frequent attacks from my mother (or rather some entities that were using her for that purpose) which caused a lot of emotional pain, leading to emotional estrangement between us. Last week-end, she visited me for my birthday, and we spent two harmonious days together, and even my husband noticed that my mother’s behaviour had changed significantly.


Although I have only completed phase 2 (will do phase 3 tomorrow), and the fact that for me time will tell if a healing was really successful, I am very optimistic now that THIS IS IT, the ultimate, long-lasting healing I have been waiting and working for for many years.


I can image how much time, work and energy it took you to develop the abilities to create this program, and I honour and thank you for that. There is no doubt you are an outstanding healer.


As I do not have much money at the moment, I also appreciate that you offer the program for a very reasonable price, that is below its true value. May we all live in true abundance soon!


I feel so positive right now. I am so glad I will recover and be able to do even more to fulfill my mission. I sense that the Event is very close!


Now let’s bring it to an end and finally liberate this wonderful planet!


Thank you again Jim, and the Teams.


With love and gratitude,



You see, I finally DID purchase the Phase 2 and did it yesterday night.

And BOY, was THAT ONE RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!!  I had this trail of hot quiet tears all over to my back! 

No doubts left, this is for me! 

The reason for my previous question was just in case Phase 2 turned out to be as mild as Phase 1 was for me ... But then I re-listened to your audio and when I realized that is where the family  'stuff' was -BAM. Right on the money -I will tighten my belt a little and keep on with the next -next week.


Thank you so much for your kind answer!

Also, the attacks had been MASSIVE in my life by that time, and their effects did stop cold turkey after the 4 Phase sessions. So that might also be a reason why I didn't feel it so much, as It brought me back to a "normal" that had been missing for a couple of weeks!!

Anne, CA


I have been working with the 4-phase system now for approx 3weeks.

Phase 1: - 4 times, 

Phase 2 - 3 times

and Phase 3 - 1 or 2 times. 


It really feels like "present time". I have a block in believing that is deep so working on that but I feel it goes better and better as I resonate with your work and feel your deep sincerity and determination and that helps.


Phase 1: I do not feel that much during phase 1.


Phase 2: Feel more. Second time something was still hanging on in the last part with the 3 layers. It was the first layer and I perceived it may be a false truth core that I have been working on for many years to get rid of. It was like a string going down from the first layer back to me. Asked the teams to continue working on it. Did not see it last time I did Phase 2 but had other sensations of release.


Phase 3: Have just done this 1 or 2 times (memory is not what is used to be.....) Also feel more in this phase. 


Will let you know more when I have worked longer with it. During the first 2 weeks I did it every second day, so it was intense. Now I have slowed down a little with once a week.


Asa, Norway


I know you always want experiences/feedback ... I would have to write an assay, with all the changes happening, as I do a Phase every 2nd day....


I am a completely different person... emotionally, mentally (my thoughts have changed), and physically (lot less pain)


​I see so many changes in me, my environment and also in people.

I am amazed at how fast things change in the physical...

Is that normal?


I worked with the teams on bullying, as that was a major issue for me all my life people always bully me...

a week later, a lady that likes to bully and demand came ... instead of me going into defensive mode... I just smiled at her and waited....to my surprise she "asked nicely"


I don't have a problem with things changing fast, as all is changing for the better.

Angela, CA


I was struggling with a lot of repressed anger which seems to have settled down a lot!

Subconscious fears (from upbringing) have decreased...

During the session, I visualized our group and our travels very clearly...


I felt like a huge clearing took place, and afterwards picked up my violin and I felt more clear and creative.

I felt a lot more peaceful. And able to embrace truth without fear.

A Bracanov. NZ


Hi Jim,


First, I want to thank you so much for offering this program! The Phase I session was ground breaking for me. I can't begin to explain how much it has changed my life already. 


I experienced intense energy, crying and what I call 'goosebumps' (it's like what I get when my intuition is telling me something) throughout the session. I saw what was causing my troubles taken from me on the platform and it was cleared. It felt incredible. I felt, at the end of the session, loads of energy and happiness. Happiness that I haven't felt since I was a child.


So, I felt up to moving to Phase II the next day. I went through Phase II today and now, I am feeling like I have been through the ringer.

In Phase III, I felt much like I did in Phase I. My connection was the deepest it has been yet and it has remained so since completing the phase. I feel happy and new, refreshed. I am in a good deal of physical pain, but that is probably normal for all of the changes & detoxing reaching the physical level.

I have not been so aware of my Ego and ability to chose before... It is like I have only been healing a smidge part of my Ego in the past 20 years of psychotherapy. Traditional therapy, I believe, has its place in that we need our Ego to feel safe as well... but my husband and I had no idea that THIS would be what it means to 'WAKE UP'. I mean, we thought we were ahead of the game a bit even. But, wow, nope. The world is in for some deep healing come the Event.


Thanks again! So very much!

Kylie, IL


Hi Jim,

I just wanted to drop you a note to again express my gratitude for this work. I did suffer some sort of attack over the weekend. it was very strong and in my back. I did Phase1 again today and it cleared it right out. It was interesting that they also mentioned that it served me in some way to be able to clear out even deeper existing entities. I guess they were joining the party.

I have been hearing many leaders speaking about the uprising or increase in demonic and like energy attacks. I have been experience a lot of "distraction" or debris in my field. This clearing has helped but the external world still feel cloudy. I will continue to use the recording once a week.


Alisha, Australia


Thank you for all of your input Jim, especially regarding protection.  I appreciate the help and tips.


I just did Phase 4 and it was wonderful.  I can't wait until I'm ready to repeat this phase.  I feel more like "normal", something I haven't felt in decades maybe.  It took awhile for the egoic self to be ready for this phase.  I am so pleased I reached a level where I felt ready for all the things covered in phase 4.  I am feeling so much more hopeful and less worry in general.  It is a huge sense of overall relief that I now feel.


Yes, please feel free to use any feedback I've written you.  You can use my initials or first name and Denver as a location.


Thank you again for all of your assistance, help, dedication and tireless effort to serve the cause of the victory of the light!  I can't say enough how the 4 Phase system has helped me.  I am so glad I was guided to your website.  THANK YOU AGAIN.   


In peace,

N H, Denver


I completed phase II last night.  I had recently asked for a solution (from my I AM presence) to take back myself from all the crap that wasn't me.   


I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia & PTSD, and tried traditional medical treatments for about a decade.  I ended all the medical treatments few years ago, cleaned up my lifestyle, worked on/through things a lot.  I did make progress finally, but it was slow, I certainly still have deep physical trauma.


Phases I & II have had a huge impact on my physical symptoms.  I knew I would eventually recover, but with the Phases, I feel it will be a lot quicker than I anticipated.  Sometimes it hurts a lot, but it is more a productive pain, like after going to the gym, in contrast to my typical pain which wasn't really promising.


I am definitely going through way more water & electrolytes than usual.  I highly recommend the Phases to anyone with similar physical/emotional trauma symptoms, with the caveat that healing might hurt a bit before it gets better.  Also, to take it slowly before proceeding through each phase.  It feels like an accelerated type of physical therapy + emotional release (very somatic).


To summarize, I feel there is nothing to fear for someone with physical/emotional ailments considering the Phases, in fact, recovery is possible/probable.


Thank you so much!


Don K. CO


The last go around of Phase 1, 2 and 3 cleared SO MUCH.  The work helps me also clear a lot of unreleased trauma trapped in my nervous system, especially a lot of past life trauma (that I was not consciously aware of).  I hope I'm in the home stretch because I've been doing months and years worth of clearing and frankly I am getting tired! 


I know I would not have cleared and released trauma at this very deep level without your 4 Phase system.

I have deep gratitude and appreciation for the work that you do.  THANK YOU SO MUCH, THIS IS SAVING MY LIFE!


Nicole, NY


Hi, I'm from Sydney and just did phase II. Words can barely describe the gift that has been given to me through you. You are f#%@$@g amazing and I owe you a beer.

I'm going to do the rest of the clearings but this phase was a big one. The calm I felt was unmistakable. These are going to help so many people. Word needs to get out so more people can experience this!

Thank you again :


Xavier, Australia


Hi Jim,

Just a quick check in, I finished Phase III for the second time this morning.  Therefore, I have completed them all three times.

I am slowly improving in all areas of my life.  The biggest thing I notice is the attacks are less severe, this includes the feeling of electricity running through my body, sexual interference, brain suffering, sweating, and less fear.

I am also slowly starting to take better care of my body, my diet and activity levels are improving.  I have to drink a lot of water, or I get energy headaches.  I have a lot of fatigue and muscle soreness, but I believe that is due to the energetic detox.

I have shared my positive results with three people and encouraged them to look into it.

I'll keep doing the Phases, making contact with The Teams and moving forward.  I just got your email, thank you.  The shame is less.

Thanks again for all your work,

Melissa, FL


(Phase I): A couple of hours after the session as I was going to bed: felt a sense of familiarity and comfort, like a very subtle deja vu and a feeling of 'home'.

The first night of the session: very vivid dreams about feeling free, living on a tropical island. Also dreamt about ex partners so may be integrating something about them.

The next morning: I feel kinda new! Lots of strange feelings, a strong sense of nostalgia and memories throughout my life coming in. I feel like I'm integrating everyone I've been in this life, let alone other lives. I need a lot of space to let this settle and to rediscover who I really am without the influence of other people's perspectives. This feels big!


I think it's probably a combination of this life, past earth lives and off-world stuff. I wonder if it's been kind of symbolised to me as coming from this life because at various points in this life I have tapped into and expressed different aspects and dimensions of myself from other lifetimes. Does that make sense? Here's more feedback:


It's been 24 hours since I experienced phase 1 and I feel amazing! I feel more 'me' than I can ever remember feeling. I almost feel nervous about how confident and powerful I feel! After a few weeks of having a dark night of the soul in which I really felt despairing, and not seeming to move through it, I suddenly have snapped back. I woke up with tons of energy and I have had strong focus and clarity with my life purpose. I even built a web page (which I thought would take me weeks to do) in an hour while my partner made dinner!!! Maybe I've become superhuman ;) I can't wait for phase 2!

2 days after: Jim I can't tell you how much that healing has changed me. I feel amazing. So much energy and focus, and a lightness I haven't experienced in longer than I can remember! Ascension symptoms are ramping up too but in a nice way :) (Taken from WhatsApp)


4 days after: It’s been a few days since I had the healing now. I feel like a completely different person. I feel like where before I could only see limitations and reasons for things in my life not to work, now I feel like all the doors have opened. I feel like anything is possible and rather than being battered about by life, I am now at the driving wheel taking charge. It feels amazing! I am really excited to see what evolves off the back of this. I am hoping that I feel steady and secure enough in my own healing journey to now focus on being of service to others.

Kathrine, UK

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