Unravel Your Abilities Masterclass
with the 4 Steps To PRE-Event Contact & the transformation that brings. Discounted at only $19.97!
By Jim Tourtsakis, healer & resurrector of the 144K!
Register now, and you'll discover:
Register now at the discounted price of only $19.97 & discover why unraveling your abilities NOW is crucial for that personal frequency boost needed to 'ascend closer' to your off-world Contact Team, so you can establish remote auditory contact.
And feel BETTER and more ACTIVATED in the mean-time that makes the 'wait' to the Event a breeze!
Register below now - fast & secure check-out.
Register above now, because ...
why your Off-World Contact Team needs to see you 'working towards them':
... this is similar to the spiritual 'meeting God halfway' principal, and you'll also learn why it won't 'just happen' if it's 'meant to be'.
why your current level of consciousness (which has produced the current results in your life) needs to be prepared for such a MASS-LIGHT event:
... because your Contact Team has your safety in mind (in these Pre-Event conditions) as the overiding factor that will decide if they get the green light to contact you or not.
How to avoid a strong risk of your 3D life collapsing upon first contact, and how to avoid this in the rough & unsafe Pre-Event conditions:
A Starseed must gain the ability to preserve & improve on their 3D life with a strong ability to maintain themselves energetically, when the escapist inducing & 'addictive' effects of constant communion with beautiful & amazing off-worlders sets in. Learn how to deal with this to get that 'green light' for contact by your Higher Self & off-world command.
Why contact, especially physical contact, can be more damaging to your DNA than taking mushrooms or ayahuasca
High frequency events can not only be destabilizing on the mind, but often have a 'brittle' effect on your DNA that I've witnessed sending Starseeds onto a fruitless direction in life. Register now to find out how to keep your DNA strong & activate even higher strands of your DNA for that all-important stronger connection to your Higher Self!
Why your Galactic Family may not be able to take you up physically, before the Event
Pre-Event Contact & Post-Event Contact are two completely different things.
Register now to see which aspects of your mind ... DNA ... Sense of Identity ... Aura ... programing and Soul condition need healing & activating - for that night-&-day difference in actualizing contact long before the Event, and receive that transformative coaching & mentoring from your off-world brethren, which also puts you in a strong position to help others, and make getting to the Event a breeze!
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